Prize Draws

Participants for
(Oct 2015-Mar 2015)

When we recruited participants to take part in the user study for, we said there was an iPad mini as part of a prize draw.



We have now finished this user study, and we have selected the winner and have contacted the winner via email. If you took part in the user study and you didn’t hear from us, then you should assume that you haven’t won.

Congratulations to the winner but more importantly, thank you to all our participants for taking part in this study. We really appreciate your time and contribution to this research.

14 April 2015

Video Diary participants
(Oct 2013-Jan 2015)

When we recruited participants to take part in our video and interview study we said that we would be conducting a prize draw of the digital camcorders used in the project once we had completed our video data collection. This has now finished, and the draw took place in January.

Those who have won a Toshiba Camileo S40 camcorder (the same model that was used for recording the videos during the study) should have received an email from us.

If you took part in the video and interview study and you didn’t hear from us, then you should assume that you haven’t won one of the camcorders.

Congratulations to the winners but more importantly, thank you to all our participants for taking part in this study. We really appreciate your time and contribution to this research.

30 January 2015
