Journal Articles:
Chamakiotis, P., Symon, G. and Whiting, R. (2024). Agentic interplay between hybridity and liminality in contemporary boundary work. Information Systems Journal, 34(1), 261–283.
Whiting, R. and Symon, G. (2020). Digi-housekeeping: the invisible work of flexibility. Work, Employment and Society, 34(6), 1079–1096.
Symon, G., and Whiting, R. (2019). The Sociomaterial Negotiation of Social Entrepreneurs’ Meaningful Work. Journal of Management Studies, 56(3), 655–684.
Whiting, R., Symon, G., Roby, H. and Chamakiotis, P. (2018). Who’s behind the lens? A reflexive analysis of roles in participatory video research. Organizational Research Methods, 21(2), 316–340.
Book Chapter:
Whiting, R, Roby, H, Symon, G, and Chamakiotis, P. (2018). ‘Participant-led video diaries’ in Unconventional Methodology in Organization and Management Research. Eds. Bryman, A. and Buchanan, D.A. (pp. 190-211) Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Invited Presentation:
Whiting, R and Symon, G. (2018) Capturing the everyday negotiations of work-life boundaries and transitions. Invited presentation at European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology Conference, Symposium sponsored by BPS Division of Occupational Psychology, Lisbon, September 2018.
Symon, G. and Whiting, R. (2016) Managing Work-Life Boundaries and Identities in the Digital Age Dynamics of Virtual Work Conference. Invited presentation by EU COST project, Sept 2016, Vilnius, Lithuania.
Conference Papers:
Symon, G and Whiting, R. (2018) The implications of digital technologies for meaningful work. Paper presented at Academy of Management Big Data and Managing in the Digital Economy Conference 2018, sub theme The Meaning of Work in the Digital Economy, Guildford, Surrey, April 2018.
Symon, G. and Whiting, R. (2017). Reconceptualising the Spaces of Work. Paper presented at Third International Interdisciplinary Conference on Research on Work and Working Life, WORK2017, Turku, Finland, August 2017.
Symon, G. and Whiting, R. (2017). Exposing the hidden spaces and times of work through video research methodology. Paper presented at 33rd EGOS Colloquium, Sub-theme 61: Viewing the Unseen Organization in Practice. Copenhagen. July 2017.
Chong, M. K., Whittle, J., Rashid, U., Ang, C.S. (2015). Cue Now, Reflect Later: A Study of Delayed Reflection of Diary Events Accepted for presentation at INTERACT 2015: the 15th IFIP TC.13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, September 14-18, Bamberg, Germany. Paper
Whiting, R., Roby, H., Symon, G. and Chamakiotis, P. (2015). Digi-housekeeping: A New Form of Digital Labour? In: WORK2015: New Meanings of Work, Stream: ‘Reconceptualizing Work’, August 19-21, Turku, Finland.
Chamakiotis, P., Symon, G., Whiting, R. and Roby, H. (2015). Exploring Boundaries in the Hybrid Environment. In: WORK2015: New Meanings of Work, Stream: ‘Sites and Places of Work’, August 19-21, Turku, Finland.
Whiting, R., Roby, H., Symon, G. and Chamakiotis, P. (2015). Beyond work and life: Constructing new domains in the digital age. In: 31st European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium: Organizations and the Examined Life: Reason, Reflexivity and Responsibility, Sub-theme 56: ‘Reflections on New Worlds of Work’, July 2-4, Athens, Greece.
Whiting, R., Roby, H., Chamakiotis, P., Symon, G., Chong, M.K., Whittle, J., Rashid, U. and Ang. C.S. (2014). Anytime, anywhere: Negotiating work-life boundaries in a digital world. Video presented at Fifth Annual Digital Economy All Hands (DE2014), December 3-5, London, UK. Video
Chong, M. K., Whittle, J., Rashid, U., Ang, C.S. (2014). SqueezeDiary: Using Squeeze Gesture as Triggers of Diary Events. In: Demo of the 16th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services (MobileHCI 2014), September 23-26, Toronto, Canada.
Chong, M. K., Whittle, J., Rashid, U., Ang, C.S., Whiting, R., Roby, H., Chamakiotis, P., Symon, G. (2014). Methods for Monitoring Work-Life Balance in a Digital World. In: Socio-Technical Practices and Work-Home Boundaries, Workshop at MobileHCI 2014, September 23, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Paper
Chong, M. K., Whittle, J., Rashid, U., Ang, C.S. (2014). Squeeze the moment: denoting diary events by squeezing. In: UbiComp ’14 Adjunct: Proceedings of the 2014 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing: Adjunct Publication (Demo), September 13-17, Seattle, WA, USA.
Symon, G., Chamakiotis, P., Whiting, R. and Roby, H. (2014). Identity Work across Boundaries in a Digital World. In: British Academy of Management Conference, Identity track, 9-11 September, Belfast, UK.
Whiting, R., Roby, H., Chamakiotis, P. and Symon, G. (2014). The researcher within participant videos: The not so ‘absent’ presence. In: British Academy of Management Conference, Research Methodology track, 9-11 September, Belfast, UK.
Whiting, R., Roby, H., Symon, G. and Chamakiotis, P. (2014). Identity construction for social entrepreneurs within the discourse of ‘work life balance’. In: 11th International Conference on Organizational Discourse, 9-11 July, Cardiff, UK.
Chamakiotis, P., Symon, G., Whiting, R. and Roby, H. (2014). Transitions across Work-Life Boundaries in a Connected World: The Case of Social Entrepreneurs. In: 30th European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium: Reimagining, Rethinking, Reshaping: Organizational Scholarship in Unsettled Times, Sub-theme 44: ‘Organizing in a Connected World: Connectivity, Mobility and Digital Disruptions’, July 3-5, Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Paper
Symon, G., Chamakiotis, P., Whiting, R., Roby, H., Whittle, J., Chong, M.K., Ang, J. and Rashid, U. (2014). The Digital Brain Switch: Managing Rapid Transitions Between Role Identities in a Digital World. In: Institute of Work Psychology (IWP) International Conference, 24-26 June, Sheffield, UK. Presentation
Chamakiotis, P., Whiting, R., Symon, G. and Roby, H. (2014). Exploring Transitions and Work-Life Balance in the Digital Era. In: 22nd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Track 1 ‘Digital Work, Digital Life’, June 9-11, Tel Aviv, Israel. Poster